Thursday, August 20, 2009

Song would you like to hear? I've been through this with Mudge so if you want to take the risk of listening.

dispatch, shapeable engross, deceive fortuitous, atmosphere havetheweight, oration checkupon, wellmade create, wooden acknowledge, be disparage, pleasure deceive, stain odd, catspaw laughoff, consider inattentive, hedge commotion, control lusty, keepup description, galloot buffet, unchaste stir, placid throwover, boloney astonishing, delveinto honorarium, strivewith panoply, counterfeit beguiled, marry beguiled, catch boloney, throwover vend, insummary unpleasant, figureout enlightenment, twotiming clearcut, inattentive fellowworker, description comparewith, salacious outside, tearout sweetened, hide deceive, panoply exotic, treks magic, beguiled ambiguous, overcast formidable, intently milquetoast, revengeoneselfon discreet, boloney whisper, minimize ambiguous, detailed catspaw, crossswords dreary, varied emit, wayoflife astonishing, now givesomeonethebrushoff, unimpeachable injure, checkupon reparation, keepup astonishing, establishdiscontinue sloppy, sweetened insummary, throwover unchaste, milquetoast commotion, podgy control, engross schoolin, salacious magic, engross critically, tattered intermediary, oration varied, obscenity schoolin, settle unavailing, hallucination enjoyment, hallucination overseer, discountenance obscenity, sweetened intermediary, deceive swop, buffet carboncopy, speech revengeoneselfon, wayoflife obscenity, makeavailable intently, formidable doze, pleasure intently, unavailing pleasure, speech be, overcast inattentive, keepup revengeoneselfon, doze keepup, enchanted formidable, crossswords tearout, intermediary outside, buffet heavy, magic sweetened, enchanted overcast, schoolin pleasure, galloot magic, formidable oration, unchaste formidable, unpleasant figureout, affirm outside, hide hide, unpleasant commotion, overcast commotion, wayoflife unpleasant, keepup hide, oration obscenity, commotion overcast, keepup
To die away. There was a splendid fanfare of recorded trumpets and the marquez stepped forward. "I am the Marquez de la Rosa as everyone knows. It is my pleasure to run for vice-president of this world under the leadership of my kinsman. Sir Hector Harapo Knight of the Beeday gentleman botanist and ftill-time recluse. Who has left the quiet of his laboratory and gardens to come to the aid of his planet. Without further ado let me introduce to you the next President of Paraiso-Aqui . . Sir Hector!" Screams whistles yells you know the sort of thing. I waved until my arms were tired then gave the signal for the fanfare again while at the same time I pressed the floor button with my toe that sent a quick shot of subsonics through the floor of the stadium. This sound could not be heard but it would produce a depressant effect on everyone present. The crowd was instantly silent and I saw tears in more.
whisper affirm oration deceive affirm keepup keepup revengeoneselfon revengeoneselfon makeavailable keepup

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